API Structure

  • /donation: These contain donations relating to fetching, updating, & creating donations, as well as notifying users and more.
    • /fetch
    • /create
    • /update
  • /donor: Routes under /donors deal with donor-oriented requests, including fetching donations for a user, creating or updating a donor profile, admin tasks such as password resets, and more.
    • /profile
      • /fetch: Fetch a specific donors profile. Only accessible to the donor & Kinship
      • /create: Create a donor profile (with personal details, address, etc)
      • /update: Update a donors profile, e.g. changing address
      • /reset: Reset password
    • /donations
      • /fetch: Fetch all donations by a specific donor (this fetches any donations with a matching email, not just the same UUID - many donors are not tech savvy and this makes tax reporting much easier for them).
      • /resend: Resend a specific donation to a donor (e.g. if they need a specific tax receipt, they can request a resend of the receipt to their email).
      • /report: Send a report of all donations made (total summary statement, as well as all receipts in a package).
  • /admin: These are routes designed to be accessed by the charity admins, including to generate reports, resend emails to donors, and other such internal tools. Will be documented shortly.